As of end of 2017, each household in Rwanda owed close to US$1,700[1] according to the amount contracted by the government with creditors on international and local markets. This amount is forecasted to increase as Rwanda will inevitably be borrowing throughout the coming years. An estimated US$ 1,250 of Rwanda government debt per household was owed in foreign currency […]
Rwanda’s debt: What stakeholders should be aware of (Part Two)

Rwanda’s debt: What stakeholders should be aware of (Part One)

Rwanda’s external debt increased from $900 million in 1994 to $1.7 billion in 2004. The country received crucial debt-relief in 2006 which decreased its debt to $400 million. However, eleven years later, external debt has soared to $3 billion which is equivalent to 38.4% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In addition, Rwanda’s Domestic […]
Rwanda: Governance in Question (Part Two)

This is the second and last part of the article that reveals areas of development in the key governance features that were promised to the Rwandan people by the incumbent leadership which can be read in the official document of the Vision 2020 development programme (Pg 10). The first article can be read here. This article aims to stimulate Rwanda’s citizens […]
Rwanda: Governance in Question (Part One)

The Vision 2020 development programme, published by the Rwandan Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning in July 2000 and then revised in 2012, defines the governance that the incumbent leadership in Rwanda has promised to citizens. The programme’s document states: “The State will ensure good governance which can be understood as accountability, transparency, and efficiency in deploying scarce […]